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Hey! Or is it "Hay?"

It depends on who you ask around here. â€‹


I'm Farm Girl... my real name is Dana (rhymes with banana!) and the Accidental Farm and all the accidents here  --  including my cute sidekick Murphy  -- are all mine too.


This little farm actually started by accident. How that happened and everything that follows is featured in The Accidental Farm podcast. Each episode -- all 100 of them for now -- are just 5 minutes. Like a little farm snack. You will meet all the characters and get to know them and me pretty well. But keep listening because behind all the cute furry and feathered faces are life lessons and ah-ha moments that are universal. I will bet you a bouquet of carrots (Murphy's favorite prize) that you will find yourself, your friends and family and your life in this little farm.  


xoxo Farm Girl    


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